So it’s late at night, 3:20 AM to be exact as I type these words and I’ve been trying to think of what to put here. Well, late nights are hardly something that is new for me. I’ve had a bizarre sleep schedule for over a decade now and tonight is no exception. So in my attempt to introduce myself via this About section of this hole in the wall of a website, I think it makes sense to share a bit about what the world is like for me as I write.

My desk is cluttered with miscellaneous accoutrements of the computer nerd. For starters my desk is not a desk, rather it’s a square dining table that was purchased from Ikea sometime in the last two decades. Two screens that were reasonably good way back in 2011 when I bought them originally are my windows to the world in this rural village that I find myself living nowadays. The desk has endured a fair amount of wear since I sit at this infernal machine every single day, without fail, and engage with my friends, work on projects or generally goof around.

Also on the desk, besides the mouse and keyboard with which I type these words is a small bottle of antacid tablets for my semi regular indigestion and some eye drops for an odd medical condition I’ve experienced with one of my eyes over the last year or two. The eye thing is better now, I think, but I keep eye drops around incase it comes back. Under the antacid tablets I see a card that my elderly father wrote for me last christmas (it’s April now and the card won’t be leaving the desk any time soon). The card reads:

Dear Son

I listen to you speaking with your friends and I can hear the power that you are.

Love Dad

He’s proud of me, my Dad. Like I know it says in his own writing there on the card that he loves me, but honestly only now as I sit writing here am I really in touch with that communication. I’m actually moved almost to tears in appreciation of it.

Huh. When I started writing this page, I didn’t really know where this was going to go but yeah, this is what it is and I’m going to go with it. I see this website as a way for me to share a bit of my life and create hopefully a bit of income down the road but for now, as I write, it’s a way for me to say I love you too Dad.